North Dakota Bankers
Extraordinary Leadership for North Dakota Banks

2023 Legislative Updates

Update Archive for Jul 2023

2023 Legislative Summary

Posted on: 7/11/2023

Update Archive

  2023   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jul  

How to Contact Your Legislators

During a legislative session, a legislator can be reached at the State Capitol through: Otherwise, a legislator can be reached by mail, telephone or email at the address listed in the legislator’s biography, or one of the lists provided below. Individual legislator contact information is listed here:

Over the course of the session, NDBA may ask you to call your Senator or Representative to talk to them about a particular bill or to ask them to support or oppose a particular bill.

Legislator contacts from local bankers are extremely important, so, please, if we ask, contact your legislators!

Also, local legislative forums are great to attend because they inform you about issues beyond banking and let you get to know your legislators at home where they are most responsive to your interests and concerns.

Don’t be a stranger; get to know your representatives in Bismarck!

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